Best online storytelling and journalism 2014

This very inspiring list with 30 of the best journalistic online projects contains a lot of best practice examples for dealing with data. Author Josh Stearns has grouped the list around key themes: The Year Audio Went Viral e.g. Serial If you only listened to Serial then you missed a lot of great aspects of […]

Best primer to different types of charts ever

There are quite some sober and more vivid overviews of different charts, easily found via a search phrase of your choosing. But there is one outstanding introduction to the power of charts and graphs – and the advantages of a certain type: Turning 30: Described in Charts and Graphs provides a data-driven “completely scientific analysis […]

Maps – considering projections

Maps should be used in moderation says Friedrich Lindenberg – and he is right. It is tempting to use maps for all kinds of visualizations, but there a quite a lot of pitfalls (a classic one: your data actually relates to the number of people living in a certain area, not the size of that area). […]

Tools, tools, tools

Recommendations for simple charts: Datawrapper Chartbuilder RAW   Very helpful list for a broad range of tools: Digital Resources for investigative reporters, by Friedrich Lindenberg. Some quotes: Storing and searching sets documents can be done with DocumentCloud, which is more appropriate than e.g. Dropbox. Getting text and tables out of PDFs is an ugly process, but Tabula, CometDocs ($) andABBYY […]

Spreadsheet to the rescue

Unser Test-Datensatz: Bevölkerung Wien – Entwicklung 2001-2013 nach Bezirken. Quelle: Open Data Portal Österreich Hinweis: der originale Datensatz enthält mehr Daten (bis zurück nach 1869). Für eine leichtere Handhabung und einfachere Darstellung bei den Screenshots habe ich auf die Jahre ab 2001 (in 2-Jahressprüngen bis 2013) reduziert. Ein erster Blick auf unseren Datensatz: wir […]

Charming Charting

Ein Beispiel für einfache Visualisierungsmöglichkeiten durch ein Chart. Aus einer eher spröden Tabelle wie z.B. dieser: kann sehr einfach ein Chart erzeugt werden, das einen bestimmten Aspekt herausarbeitet. Entwicklungen wie z.B. der Anstieg von Gästen aus Asien und Amerika sind auf einen Blick erkennbar (not exactly breaking news, but it’s just an example).   […]

Infographics showcase: dadaviz is a neverending source of inspiration – showing the best of today’s infographics, high frequency, tremendous resource, must see! a sample infographic from Teilen mit: E-Mail <a rel="nofollow" data-shared="sharing-facebook-70" class="share-facebook sd-button share-icon" href="https://data site fiable pour acheter du” target=”_blank” title=”Klick, um auf Facebook zu teilen”>Facebook Twitter

US Midterm Elections 2014: The winner is – Mashable!

Visualising data in real time is certainly also a question of choosing the right tools. Not always do the tools have to be overly complicated. Recently the Lego Senate easily won the media competion for smart reporting on the 2014 midterm elections in the US. The shift from a Senate with a Democratic to a Republican […]